Que os parecen estas estanterías? A mi personalmente me parecen muy originales, con unas simples cajas podemos tener un lugar de almacenaje! Como veis en las imágenes... Se pueden utilizar como estantería para el comedor, para el vestíbulo, para el cuarto de baño o para el despacho!
Hay muchos Blogs que tienen entradas DIY con este tema, para aquellos que no quieran gastarse mucho dinero y que les guste las manualidades y el bricolaje pueden utilizar los cajones de cómodas que ya no utilizan, sólo hace falta dar una mano de pintura y a colocarlos en la pared! También he visto que en ocasiones en el fondo del cajón poden papeles pintados! Es otra manera de personalizar nuestra estantería!
A mi me gusta hacer cosillas en casa, pero os prometo que con mis dos fierecillas no tengo tiempo para nada! Así que... Ikea de nuevo!!! Tienen unos "armarios de pared", como ellos lo llaman, de 25x25cm en 3 colores, blanco, negro y acabado abedul, que para conseguir este efecto... son perfectos!.
What you think of these shelves? They seem to be very original, with a few simple boxes we can have a storage place! As you see in the pictures ... They can be used as a shelf for the dining room, for the lobby, for the bathroom or for the office!
There are many blogs that have entries DIY with this topic, for those that they do not want to spend a lot of money and like crafts and DIY can use the dresser drawers that no longer use, you only need to give a coat of paint and place them in wall! I have also seen occasionally in the drawer bottom pruned wallpapers! It is another way to customize our shelf!
I like to do stuff at home, but I promise!! With my two babys I have no time! So ... Ikea again! They have a "wall cabinets", as they call it, of 25x25cm in 3 colors, white, black and birch finish, that to get this effect ... are perfect!.
Imagen 2/Picture 2; http://www.yellowtrace.com.au/2010/03/18/swedish-elle-interior/
There are many blogs that have entries DIY with this topic, for those that they do not want to spend a lot of money and like crafts and DIY can use the dresser drawers that no longer use, you only need to give a coat of paint and place them in wall! I have also seen occasionally in the drawer bottom pruned wallpapers! It is another way to customize our shelf!
I like to do stuff at home, but I promise!! With my two babys I have no time! So ... Ikea again! They have a "wall cabinets", as they call it, of 25x25cm in 3 colors, white, black and birch finish, that to get this effect ... are perfect!.
Imagen 1/Picture 1; http://www.decorpad.com/photo.htm?photoId=96942¤tPage=0&index=0
Imagen 3/Picture 3; http://www.hgtv.com/bathrooms/create-crate-shelving-for-fast-easy-storage/index.html
Imagen 4/Picture 4; http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/
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